Turn spend into scholarships! Walter will reallocate part of your spending. When you purchase through your distributor of choice, part of your spending will be returned to you in form of scholarships. This can be used at your discretion, to:
The choice is up to you!
Customize the perfect interactive on-site training. Industry-related and adapted to your needs, our trained product experts are there to support you. Choose from a variety of topics:
Push your learning further with our free and ready-to-use educational tools. Reinforce welding safety and key topics discussed in the classroom with our complete library of:
Let us know how we can help!
The complete line of ArcOne welding helmets is here to offer your students a safe and fulfilling learning experience. Weld to the fullest with the best optical clarity in the industry.
See our complete lineup.
Be a part of our welding community and increase the visibility of your school. See how WALTER can help you grow the awareness of your welding program and support you outside of the classroom.
Tag us @WalterSurfaceTech on social media!
See how your school can benefit from specialing on our complete offering of metalworking solutions. Your one-stop-shop for high-performance solutions, designed to help you work better!
View our complete solutions.Connect with us on social media and share your welding action shots, class projects, competitions, or instructor profiles.
Tag us @WALTERSURFACETECH to get featured!